The aerospace industry is an industry that requires perfection in terms of products and materials, otherwise things can become highly hazardous for employees and consumers alike. In order to ensure that all products and materials in use are up to standard, certain non-destructive testing (NDT) methods are used. However, this industry doesn’t use any NDT methods, they use the most reliable methods for aerospace: eddy current testing (ECT) and ultrasonic testing (UT). Read all about these two methods below:
Eddy current testing
The array functionality of eddy current testing, known as eddy current array (ECA), is a fantastic way for NDT technicians to find discontinuities regardless of how complex the weld. While ECT on its own is one of the most effective of the NDT methods, ECA offers new and improved ways of identifying defects quickly and efficiently. In fact, this means of testing welds allows technicians to receive the results of a much higher accuracy in a fraction of the time it would take when using ECT techniques.
Ultrasonic testing
Ultrasonic testing is in highly sought-after NDT method for many different industries because of its accuracy. Once again, the aerospace industry opts for the advanced version, phased array ultrasonic testing (PAUT). This NDT method is the most suitable for the aerospace industry as it allows for the detection of some of the most well concealed flaws within a weld. PAUT is a much more effective method over its standard counterpart as it uses a single probe with endless beaming angles while the regular UT method has a fixed beam angle that makes it’s much harder to find any hidden defects.